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The Southern Bell and The Jaded New Yorker

Delta Dawn by Tanya Tucker

Today we compare Tanya Tucker’s “Delta Dawn”, and Billy Joel’s “The Stranger”. What could a southern belle possibly have in common with the jaded New Yorker? Tanya Tucker talks about the loneliness of staying in NYC with “New York City Song”, and so does Billy Joel on “The Stranger”. But is that unique to New Yorkers, or do we have an easier time accepting reality? The southern belle speaks of the reality of a rough heartbreak through “The Jamestown Ferry”. but she says he made her feel like a lady through it all. So i guess reality is about perspective sometimes.  Billy Joel proves to be just as much a gentleman on “She’s Always a Woman”.

The Stranger by Billy Joel

Both artists want to love unselfishly, honestly, with constant appreciation with “Love’s the Answer” and “Just the Way You Are”. “Smell the Flowers” and “Movin’ Out” stress the appreciation for the simple pleasures in life whether in the laid back south, or fast paced city. So what could these two possibly have in common? Like Billy Joel says “ Everybody has a Dream”.



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